Michal Lindberg- Liên hệ

IBM’s chairman once stated that “Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world. Well, he is not wrong.

You may not be aware of this, but almost 70% of websites face hacking. What’s more? There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds, according to the University of Maryland. Almost 64% of companies have experienced web-based attacks. The cost of data breaching globally is $3.9 million across several SMBs. Wait, the list has not ended yet, there’s more to it.

You may now be thinking about what you can do to stay safe from such an attack. Of course, you can be a security tester and do it on your own. But let’s be reasonable. It’s not possible or even convenient in many cases. You could consider hiring someone for it, but then again, the monthly fees would be a financial burden on your company.
That is why we are here. ZOTO Solutions offers you top-notch security testing services that guarantee all-round protection to your website.

For more information https://zotosolutions.com/security-services/
