Get liquid electronic equipment at high prices

Wednesday December 20th, 2017  News

In the era of technological development, electronic devices are becoming more diverse and smarter. Every household has electronic items; after a long time use. For different reasons these items are no longer usable and become scrap. Scrap 247 receives liquidated electronics at high prices across the country.

Electronic equipment procurement

Purchasing electronic equipment is an important service of Scrap companies 247. Our company specializes in purchasing bulk electronic scrap. Commitment to buy at the best price; Fast, thoughtful and enthusiastic payment method.

Scrap 247 usually buys scrap electronics at major electronic repair shops; and all the scraps of wire ropes throughout the country. On-site collection of electronic scrap; payment immediately after the purchase. For large orders, large electronic equipment procurement project; We have a clear contract for the customer.

Get liquid electronic equipment at high prices

Scrap 247 collects electronic scrap in all provinces in Vietnam. Depending on the type of electronic scrap, our company will purchase electronic scrap at different rates. Purchase process is usually as follows:

– Receive customer information.

– Transfer the customer’s information to the nearest purchasing point.

– The location will be contacted by the customer and will send a quotation for the electronic scrap to the customer; or the bid capacity profile, including the bid price table suitable to the most appropriate price.

– After agreeing the purchase price; To work out the plan for purchasing scrap materials. If the two parties agree to sign a contract to purchase electronic scrap materials.

– Conducting collection and transportation of waste materials; Acceptance and payment.

Electronic scrap purchases include all discarded items such as televisions; refrigerator or laptop; phone; bulk computer components; Bitcoin diggers are broken … in large numbers. Scrap 247 always brings absolute trust to new and old customers.

Scrap 247 with professional purchasing staff; specialized machinery and professionalism and the same caliber of a reputable company in this field. Therefore, the purchase of electronic scrap always meet the needs of purchasing with orders; large scale projects.
