Purchasing scrap in Bac Giang

Thursday December 14th, 2017  City

Scrap 247 specialized in buying scrap in Bac Giang. Purchasing scrap in Bac Giang in large quantity; best price market. To expand the service; Scrap 247 has a lot of incentive programs for old and new customers. Customers are in need of liquid scrap please contact:

Purchase of high-priced scrap in Bac Giang

With the equipment is invested in scale and representation along with professional management services; skilled technical staff; Scrap 247 offers customers the best quality services; guarantee schedule; best buy price. There are always incentives and services to best meet the requirements of customers.

We buy scraps from all over the country; each year thousands of tons of scrap. Contribute to clean up the habitat. In the North, Scrap 247 is expanding its scrap metal acquisition services in Bac Giang.

Services of scrap collection in Bac Giang

Scrap 247 is one of the companies have many years experience developing scrap collection services in Bac Giang. With a team of professional staff and a well-developed investment Scrap 247 has become one of the most reputable developers in the scrap buying market.

We also collect scrap metal, scrap cloth, paper … In addition, Scrap 247 also provides services:

Liquidation of the workshop
Liquidation of machinery equipment
Collection of construction waste
Transportation, waste treatment
Recycle waste, waste
Destruction of goods, raw materials and equipment
Demolition of works, workshops
Design, construction, technology transfer
Scrap 247 is committed to purchasing scrap in Bac Giang

Scrap 247 purchases all scrap quantities nationwide; Especially, districts, towns in Bac Giang. Commitment to purchase high price scrap, competition; buy in place. Provides procurement services and support 24/7 scrap buying advice.
