Fatal danger of using poor quality recycled Pond

Thursday December 7th, 2017  News

Nowadays, recycled materials are very beneficial to people. Many of our workshops are open to the manufacture of products such as recycling pots, water heaters, plastic bottles, etc. However, these workshops are untested and of poor quality.

Psychological ham cheap to buy a poor quality Recycling pot

Pie pot is the popular household item that every family must use, especially aluminum pots, cast iron. However, on the market today there are many products of aluminum pots cheap. As natural resources are scarce; People have thought of recycling aluminum scrap, scrap metal to create useful new products.

However, many low-priced aluminum pots sold on the market have purchased recycled aluminum scrap; but not guarantee quality as well as safety for users. This will greatly affect the health of your family if you buy these quality spoiled potatoes.

The process of creating a poor quality recycled Cement

At the factory of boiling pots, aluminum scrap including beer cans; old pots, electrical wires, spare parts, corrugated rims, aluminum frames … are bought everywhere and gathered to the workshop waiting for recycling.

After melting; Aluminum foil finishing machine is rolled into a product for cooking, such as pots, saucepans. However, these pots after cooking is usually black dull because of many impurities.

To bleach and create shiny color; Pots pot is coated with 3 different chemicals, including; chromium and acid. In just 5 minutes; There are hundreds of pans made of recycled aluminum that are wobbled through chemical containers.

From the aluminum recycling kilns, cheap pots are sold by merchants throughout the provinces. All these recycled products are not labeled, originated and published in accordance with regulations.

As a rule, pot boiling is a direct impact on human health; It should publish quality before selling to the market but the regulation does not exist here.

Be wise housewives

These are warnings to customers when shopping for household appliances. Do not be tempted to buy these products; This will affect the health of your whole family later on. However, it should not be stigmatized; This is just a small part of the work that is irresponsible. Because the quality of the potato chips recycling is absolutely safe; save for your family and help protect the environment.

So be the wise housewife choose safe products for you and your loved ones.
