12 ways to reuse old newspapers are very useful

Saturday December 9th, 2017  News

People often think that every newspaper after one day will run out and be thrown into the trash. However, these old newspapers offer many other useful uses that will surprise many. In the article below, Scrap 247 has synthesized and gives you 12 ways to reuse old paper very useful that many people do not know.

1. Deodorant

First, newspapers can be deodorized in a food compartment or container. Wrap the old newspaper around the plastic box or thermos used for the lunch you want to deodorize, wrap it and after a night will see the effect.

2. Ripe fruit

Older papers can also make red ripe tomatoes. Cover each tomato with a piece of newspaper and place it in a warm room. You will see tomatoes moving from green to red. Not only the tomatoes, we can also use for other fruits such as: pink blush, red rose, na …

3. Packing furniture

Do you have a lot of small porcelain items, glass must pack together with a box to move away without wanting to shatter because of touching each other? Simply use the pieces of paper wrapping each item, put them into the box. Finally creasing the other pieces of newspaper inserted into the remaining gaps in the box is smooth, not afraid of the broken “pet” again.

4. Clean the glass

Another great use of old newspapers is to clean the glass quickly. Use a special waterproof paper to wipe the glass cleaner on the glass, will be more clean wipe with a towel. You can also spray the glass cleaner straight up the mirror or window glass, then wipe it with newspaper.

5. Protect ancient paintings

Newspapers also help protect old paintings painted on glass. If cleaned in a conventional manner with rags and soap can destroy the surface of the image painted on the glass, only with vinegar and warm water, you will thoroughly clean the stain, keep it The paintings are not destroyed. Then dry the paintings on the cleaned glass in dry air.

6. Dry shoes

Drying wet shoes is another interesting use of newspaper that you may not have known. Wrap the shoes with crumpled paper, overnight. As a result, you will see a pair of dry shoes the next day. In addition, it also removes odors in the shoes are very good that you.

7. Gift packages and bouquets

And you can imagine, the newspaper also used gift packages and bouquets again! Use colorful children’s comic prints to gift a baby’s birthday present, or choose a wedding message to wrap up a gift for the engagement. Only with simple paper packages from newspapers, your gift seems to “weigh” the meaning several times.

8. Dry refrigerator

Housewives may be delighted to learn another great use of the old newspaper: Keep the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator dry and free from unpleasant odors. Simply spread the old paper to the bottom of the compartment before you put it in.

8. Soft shoes

When you buy a new pair of shoes they will definitely make your feet very painful and uncomfortable. So, there is a very effective way to improve it, that is, you rub the doughs into the shoes. So in a few days, make sure you have a pair of soft shoes that are easy to walk without fear of leg pain.

9. Decorate the nails

This is a great way to create unique prints on your nails; to your feet. All you have to do is paint your nails, wait for the paint to dry; Then dip it in alcohol and cover it with paper.

10. Littering the pet

With the cold weather like this, they only need to lining up a few newspapers to keep them warm. In addition, it also helps to absorb very well and will help to reduce this area odor; Avoid influencing the living space of your family.

11. Cover your furniture

When you have to repain your home, old newspapers are really useful in covering and protecting furniture in rooms as well as floors, windows …

12. Make decorations

With the creativity available, you will come up with a lot of items made from newspaper.

Do not turn old newspapers into scrap paper. Take advantage of them to make your room look beautiful with handmade products from old newspapers. Hopefully with 247 scrap guides can help you not to waste the benefits of the old paper.
